Fatigue is a symptom of anxiety that can keep you from fulfilling the expectations that you have of yourself, and from meeting the expectations that the modern world has of you. Problems in your personal life, social life, and career are a common result of anxiety fatigue. The following article will describe the difficulties anxiety fatigue may be causing in your life and what you can do to overcome it.
Causes of Anxiety Fatigue
Fatigue from anxiety is often difficult to understand. It happens after prolonged anxiety, such as an anxiety attack or a situation that causes significant stress. It is a common symptom of almost every type of anxiety, even though in some ways anxiety keeps you awake.
What is interesting is that the exact link between anxiety and fatigue is not well known. Most likely, fatigue is caused simply as a result of your brain feeling overwhelmed and burdened. Do not forget that anxiety affects your brain, your neurotransmitters, your hormones, your muscles, and even your nutrition.Therefore,the onset of fatigue is a result of the brain trying to rest after long periods of anxiety,
- Social Networking and Staying in TouchStaying in touch and socially present becomes much more difficult when you are fatigued. You find yourself having to tell people who ask you out for lunch that you are too tired to go, forgetting plans and appointments, and avoiding others due to the energy requirements of socializing. This can hurt the feelings of your friends, coworkers, significant others and even strangers who do not understand your changed behavior. If you lack the drive to build and maintain social networks due to your anxiety fatigue, you run the risk of being excluded. In turn, exclusion and hurt feelings can cause more stress in your life, resulting in a vicious cycle of anxiety, fatigue, and more anxiety.
- Keeping Up With News and TrendsAnxiety fatigue can lead to apathy in regards to popular media, current events, or keeping up your appearance regarding trends. The world seems to become less important as your body and brain become more occupied with their struggles to function properly. A resulting inability to engage in an average conversation can lead to a disconnect with the people you know and meet, as well as feelings of loneliness and isolation.
- Your Busy Schedule在现代世界中,似乎没有你预期的事情的结束。您应该在您的手机接听您的手机,从地点开车或捕捉公共汽车,按时参加会议并拿起杂货。当你疲惫时,像手机对话或者让自己驾驶到工作一样简单的事情变得复杂,甚至可能危险。无法集中精力,以及疲倦和较慢的反应时间,可以意味着您可以像误解重要信息一样做些事情或崩溃,这进一步使您已经忙碌的日子变得复杂。
- 职业比赛现代世界的职业比赛是激烈的,在工作时尽力为您对自己的美好生活以及/或您的家人来说至关重要。当你患上焦虑疲劳时,这意味着你就不能在任何情况下表现在任何情况下。这可能对客户服务有害,管理别人,与同事相处,几乎可以想到的工作。工作是您的能力最重要的地方之一,您认为无法展示漏洞的地方。
- 健康的家庭生活If you have an immediate family with whom you are close, you will probably find that anxiety fatigue makes relations within the family more strained than they should be. Forgetting important dates, or being too tired or weak to help out with kids or with chores around the house can cause disagreements, frustration, and general unhappiness. Being present in a family takes energy, as does maintaining familial relationships despite the stress, both of which become even more challenging when you are experiencing anxiety fatigue.
Being fatigued due to anxiety in the busy and often stressful modern world is likely to cause you social, personal and occupational problems that result in more stress. It is important to stop the cycle before it starts, which you can do by decreasing your anxiety using the tips below.
These tips for overcoming anxiety fatigue and the problems it causes will help you to keep your life in balance even when you are feeling off-balance yourself.
- Be Open With Others告诉你的朋友甚至是你最近一直经历了艰难时间的第一次见到的人,这将帮助你感到更加从事社会。保持在线日记帐,博客或推特账户,您可以在那里发布您的日子和您的未来计划,并邀请您的朋友遵循或检查它。
- Get Involved保持与现代世界的一大部分是寻找保持最新的方法。许多有焦虑问题的人都不敏感地遵循新闻,因为潜在的暴力或令人沮丧的故事,但它可能有助于至少阅读在线新闻或扫描社交网站,偶尔会发现人们正在谈论和谷歌你不明白的事情。如果您使其成为您的日常仪式的一部分,就像淋浴或刷牙一样,您会发现您可以与周围的人保持更好,他们可以为您提供急需的支持。
- Stay Active Anyway这可能很难做到,但尽管有疲劳,你应该强烈考虑保持活跃。通过协调一致的努力来训练你的思想,而不是睡觉或逃避。虽然可能很难关注并且你可能会感到疲倦,但超时创造了新的记忆可能是非常有利的。您还应该考虑锻炼锻炼,因为锻炼既减少了焦虑,并给出了更多能源。
- 善待自己Being patient and honest is crucial to maintaining healthy relationships during this time, not only with others but with yourself.