Panic disorder is one of the least understood types of anxiety by those that have never experienced an anxiety attack. People picture others who have these attacks as being too nervous and experiencing a lot of irrational fears. In reality, anxiety attacks are much more physical, and the symptoms can be so severe that they mimic deadly health disorders.
In this article, we'll explore what specifically happens during an anxiety attack, and what you can do to stop it.
The First Anxiety Attack
Most people that have anxiety attacks experience their first attack during a time when they are experiencing a considerable amount of stress in their life, but not necessarily, and the attack doesn't necessarily occur when that person is experiencing the most stress either.
In general, the first attack is often described as "coming out of nowhere." The first attack follows the same pattern as the attacks outlined below, but knowing the specific trigger can be difficult. Sometimes there is an identifiable source of stress or several sources but other times there may appear to be no trigger at all.
Usually an anxiety attack begins because someone notices a feeling in their body. Anxiety attacks - or their more common name, panic attacks - cause what's known as "hypersensitivity." This is when your mind essentially monitors your body, so that it notices any change no matter how slight. Whenever your mind notices a change it focuses on it, which amplifies the experience. Many of these are changes that those without anxiety wouldn't notice, or would generally ignore, but a person with anxiety may be more aware of these changes.
Once the feeling is acknowledged, most people report they experience a flood of anxiety. Usually one of the following two thoughts occurs:
- “我的健康有问题。”
- “噢,不,另一个恐慌袭击来了。”manbetx体育官网
However, the main thing to realize is that these are physical sensations. The person with anxiety attacks isn't imagining these thoughts out of the blue. Rather, they're noticing physical changes in their body in a way that those without anxiety rarely notice. These physical sensations can begin subtle and become more pronounced, or they can be strong from the start, such as the case of heart palpitations.
- 快速/加快心跳。
- 胸痛。
- Lightheadedness.
- 呼吸困难。
- Trouble focusing.
- 弱点在身体的某个地方。
- Pain somewhere in the body.
- Trouble with balance.
- Nearly any unusual physical sensation.
这是可能ble for a panic attack to come out of nowhere, but generally they are slight triggers involved, followed by a significant rush of anxiety.
Next comes a significant worsening of the symptoms, especially the scary ones like difficulty breathing and chest pains. You'll start to feel like you can't get a deep breath, and you may have a desire to yawn or cough only to feel weaker or feel your heartbeat speed up more. At this point you may be weak, extremely lightheaded, and/or feel your heart squeezed inside your chest.
At this point you'll often experience feelings of doom. Once again, this is entirely uncontrollable, and a natural reaction the symptoms. It's at this point where people feel like they're about to die, or as though something terrible is about to happen. All of these symptoms become more and more overwhelming.
Suddenly it peaks. You experience this intense dread, and it feels like time slows down to a stop. Then everything starts to drain slowly away. You start to feel a little bit better, but only marginally so, and often you'll be filled with a considerable amount of fatigue from that entire experience. You'll be sweaty, shaking, and possibly still have health anxiety or fears as a result. But you'll usually feel a tad bit better as it starts its slow but steady decline.
Anxiety attacks may have other symptoms as well. There are unusual symptoms like back pain, nerve firing, cold feet, and even itching. There are also severe symptoms like derealization (losing touch with reality). All of these are no more dangerous, but all of them can be very concerning to the person who is experiencing them.
manbetx体育官网恐慌攻击不是危险的事件,许多人得到它们完全健康。但是有如此多的身体症状,并且焦虑不安,他们经常觉得自己的健康状况是错误的 - 即使你知道你有焦虑的攻击问题。
Can You Stop An Anxiety Attack?
So now that you know what these symptoms are like, the question is whether or not you can stop them. Once an attack starts, it is hard to completely stop, because the triggers already began. But you can do various activities to try to decrease the severity of the attack, and in some cases you may be able to prevent it from ever peaking.
Because so many of these symptoms are triggered uncontrollably, and because even many of the thoughts you have (like the feeling of doom) are a reaction to the anxiety and not your own way of thinking, it can sometimes be hard to stop an attack when it starts. Prevention is key.
- Immediate Distractions一旦你开始感受到“恐慌”,那就是时候尝试立即分散注意力的时候了。manbetx体育官网如果你知道的人在你身边,告诉他们你是多么感觉。如果没有人在你身边,请在手机上叫某人。这些活动旨在让您从自己的头部带走,因为太过于自己的思想,使症状变得更糟。
- Walking当你感到这种弱者时,有时会感到很难移动,但走动可以很有用。步行让你的血液流淌,烧掉了一些额外的能量,并且可能略微增加二氧化碳水平,以便你没有多样化。步行也激发了感官并提供了轻度分心。
- 受控呼吸You'll also want to reel in your breathing and fight any urge you have to take deeper or faster breaths than you need. Try to take controlled breaths that last at least 15 seconds. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, breathe out for 7 seconds. Don't simply hold your breath, but rather try to continue breathing at a slower pace. Also, don't worry about whether or not you feel as if you need to but cannot yawn. If you're hyperventilating, you may have trouble yawning since your body doesn't want that much oxygen but your body may still experience the feeling of needing to yawn.
Still, the most important thing you can do is learn to control your anxiety and panic in general. Once you learn to cope with anxiety better, the attacks will become less frequent and may even stop altogether.