Anxiety doesn't always make a great deal of sense. It can hit at any moment, and in some cases it can hit fairly regularly without any explanation as to why. One example that affects millions of people - especially those with panic attacks - is the development of anxiety after eating. There are a lot of people that seem to experience a great deal of anxiety, and sometimes even a full blown attack, after eating a full meal.
Eating Doesn't Affect Everyone
There are interesting issues surrounding the idea that anxiety hits after eating. For example, some people may be reacting to what they eat, and others react to being full. Not everyone suffers from it, and it tends to affect those with anxiety attacks (or those that have had them) more than anyone.
Since no research has definitively linked the act of eating to causing anxiety, we're left only with guesses. But the following are likely reasons that eating triggers anxiety.
Physical Sensations From Food
The most likely culprit - and the reason it tends to affect those with panic attacks more - is because of some of the physical sensations that occur within the body after eating. For example:
- Chest Pains - While anxiety and hyperventilation can cause chest pain, so too can eating. Food gets lodged in your chest on its way down, and the feeling of being full leads to the development of minor chest pains. Chest pains are a known panic trigger, so this may be leading to anxiety.
- 心悸 - 吃某些食物似乎触发心悸,这是对你心灵的意识和跳过的跳动或快速心跳的感觉。虽然医生将其与碳水化合物,糖和钠联系起来,但它并不完全清楚食物可能触发触发的食物,或者为什么只影响一些人而不是其他人。最有可能是天然存在的焦虑和食物的结合。虽然它们发生的原因并不完全清楚,但它们通常是安全的,但如果发生快速心跳,则可能引发焦虑很可能。
- Lightheadedness and Feeling Full - After eating a big meal, the body has a tendency to slow down. Sometimes this is referred to as a food coma. When you have panic attacks and anxiety, any change in how you feel - like lightheadedness - can be an anxiety trigger. You may not even realize you're becoming fatigued or light-headed, but your body knows and that leads to more anxiety.
- 消化不良 - 虽然在技术上没有自己的身体症状,消化不良可以开始发生你开始吃的那一刻。这可能导致像腹胀,胸痛,胃痛,胃部不适一样的问题,更多 - 所有这些都可能引发焦虑。还有一些理论焦虑导致身体消化食物很差,这反过来导致更消化不良。这可能是为什么那些已经阻止他们焦虑的人在进食后不会经历焦虑。
There are more physical sensations than this as well. For example, those that have sensitivities to certain foods may have other symptoms that trigger anxiety. Those that have some form of diabetes may also have physical sensations as well. Those who ingest caffeine may also increase heart palpitations and various physical symptoms. All of these could be contributing factors.
A more broader reason proposed by some anxiety researchers is that it may have something to do with the gut. Many people have termed the gut the "second brain" because it tends to have a variety of nerve functions, hormones, and neurotransmitters that affect how our entire body feels. Serotonin is even involved in both the gut and anxiety.
It's possible that somehow, after eating, something within the gut is activated and that causes the mind to start experiencing anxiety. This is the reason that it's always a good idea to eat healthy when you have anxiety: even though there isn't really any evidence that diet affects anxiety, there are reasons to believe that the healthier you are and the better you feel, the less anxiety you'll have.
Reducing Anxiety From the Gut
Acid Reflux
- 胸痛。
- Heartburn.
- Gas/bloating.
- Stomach discomfort.
- Breathing difficulties.
There are even some that believe it leads to heart palpitations as well. As mentioned earlier, all of these symptoms can cause anxiety, so if you have GERD, you may be at risk for anxiety after eating simply because you have anxiety and your GERD has not been kept under control.
Anxiety From Events/Anxiety Associations
并不是所有的焦虑可能会引发你的感觉。Some may also be triggered by past experiences. For example, let's say you had a fight with someone during or after eating. You may start to experience anxiety when you finish eating despite nothing technically causing it.
These are all still just guesses. It's still not entirely clear what causes anxiety after eating. It may be due to changes in your neurotransmitter or hormone levels once you get food in your stomach, or it may be due to the energy you get from sugars or the way your body releases hormones to control metabolism.