The psychological symptoms that classically define anxiety disorders are excessive worry, phobias that are fears of one specific thing, fear of social situations and intrusive and obsessive thoughts.
The physical symptoms that the medical community and literature classically associate with anxiety disorders are the symptoms of a panic attack: a pounding and racing heart, shortness of breath, sweating, chest pain, dizziness, a feeling of choking and trembling.
However, people who suffer from severe anxiety have many other physical problems that they believe are caused by anxiety. May people believe that their anxiety causes them to have flu like symptoms, and the fact that so many people with an anxiety disorder report that they have flu like symptoms has to be taken seriously.
Can Anxiety Cause Flu-Like Symptoms?
The flu like symptoms that people with anxiety report are symptoms like: fatigue, muscle tension, muscle aches and pains, diarrhea and vomiting.
Does Anxiety Cause Influenza?
No. Even though anxiety can cause flu like symptoms, please don’t worry that your anxiety will actually cause you to get an influenza infection.
Can Anxiety Make a Flu Infection More Serious
We are not yet sure, but medical research is beginning to show that anxiety and depression can both impair your immune system’s ability to fight off infections.
If you have an anxiety disorder, and you get a flu infection, do your best to use all of the tools you have at your disposal to reduce your anxiety. This will help you fight off the flu. And remember, flu infections are almost never dangerous. With the passage of time you will be well again.