We live in a world where people take medication for just about everything. This is especially common for those who suffer from anxiety because it often manifests as physical symptoms that encourage people to see their doctor(s), rather than a therapist. Doctors tend to prefer medications as a way to provide anxiety relief, and it is not uncommon for patients to choose these medications because of the potential for near-instant anxiety relief.
Still, just because a medication is available does not necessarily mean it is the best method. If you learn to manage anxiety on your own in a safe manner, you could be able to successfully manage your anxiety symptoms without the use of medications (natural or chemical).
This article is simply providing non-medicinal options for those who choose to use them. Lastly, you can combine medicinal and non-medicinal options for your added benefit.
Managing Anxiety vs. “Curing” It
There is a considerable difference between managing anxiety and curing anxiety. Managing anxiety does not mean it no longer exists. It means that you have learned skills (meditation, exercise, deliberate breathing, etc.) or utilized medications to bring your symptoms under better control.
Most individuals can learn to manage their anxiety. Curing anxiety insinuates that you will likely never suffer from anxiety again. Anxiety is just like most chronic illnesses; there is rarely a cure, but almost always a way to manage it.
Tips on How to Manage Anxiety
That being said, there are various tactics that can help you better manage anxiety and can be integrated into your life at home, without medical intervention.
Cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of talk therapy can be useful, but the following represent how to overcome anxiety without medicine.
It cannot be expressed enough. There is a clear link between anxiety, anxiety management, and exercise. Those that do not exercise or stay active regularly are far more prone to developing anxiety disorders. Exercise itself has proven to be a valuable tool for managing anxiety. That is because exercise:
- 释放对情绪令人振奋影响的神经递质。
- 轮胎肌肉以防止焦虑症状。
- Burns stress hormones that may trigger anxiety.
Exercise is a naturally healthy way to work through anxiety. It is also one of the few “must do” tactics when attempting to manage anxiety, because it is almost 100% healthy for all involved.
Of course, exercise is dependent on your current medical condition management. But overall, exercise delivers real results, not only mentally but physically. Regular exercise is the best way to improve your mental health.
Magnesium (and Other Vitamins)
镁也耗尽时的压力and via hyperventilation. Meaning that people with already low serum magnesium levels can actually worsen their situation when they experience anxiety and stress for extended periods of time. This results in even lower serum magnesium. Keep in mind, it is unlikely that low magnesium actually causes anxiety, but it can aid in producing the physical symptoms associated with anxiety.
Talk to your doctor before supplementing magnesium or any other vitamin/mineral into your diet to ensure you are getting the proper nutrition your body actually needs.
Another technique you can try in order to overcome anxiety on your own is self-exposure, also known as “desensitization.” This technique can be a bit complicated and best completed under the guidance of a professional. However, those that are brave enough can try the method on their own.
Exposure therapy focuses on the concept that the human brain will no longer find something frightening when it is exposed to it for an extended period of time. It is known as habituation, and it is an adaptive tool that prevents people from fearing the world around them. The best way to understand self-exposure techniques is to conceptualize it as a phobia, but it can also be used with other types of anxiety.
- 首先,强迫自己去思考蜘蛛了long period of time. It will initially cause stress, but don’t fight it. Instead, let yourself be stressed and continue thinking about spiders until your fear subsides. You should continue to do this for several days in a row until thinking about spiders no longer causes you any stress.
- 接下来,有人打印出蜘蛛的照片。据推测,照片会造成恐惧。无论如何,才能在照片放松和舒适地盯着照片。在连续几天重复这个类型,直到看着它们,直到看起来不再导致焦虑。
- 使用youtube上的蜘蛛视频重复相同的东西。只有在查看这些视频时才能向前迈进,不会引起焦虑。尝试重复观看同一视频,而不是翻阅视频,以确保您不寻找导致压力较小的视频。
- Have someone catch a spider and place it in a jar or enclosed box where you can look at it for a substantial amount of time. This can be one of the hardest steps. You can have the friend there in the beginning for support, but eventually, you should be able to look at the spider walk around on its own without anyone around. Keep forcing yourself to do this until the spider no longer causes fear. Don't try to fight the fear you experience either- you need to be comfortable being afraid without looking down on yourself.
- 最后,以某种方式与蜘蛛互动。理想情况下,您将能够触摸蜘蛛,但对于某些人来说,这只是一个太难了。这是使用专业人员可能会有所帮助的地方。在此之前,开始喂养蜘蛛或让它在外壳之外漫游。如果你能让它松动,请按照它追随。一旦你通过这些练习,你的蜘蛛恐惧症会得到解决。
The key thing to realize is that almost every type of anxiety has a trigger. Panic attacks are often triggered by physical sensations. So purposely mimicking those sensations might reduce the frequency of panic attacks, making the triggers less effective. If you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, forcing yourself to think certain anxiety provoking thoughts might aid in relieving these feelings.
It is not advised to recreate sensations in post-traumatic stress disorder sufferers, only because some people can experience flashbacks so severe that require psychological intervention. It is also often a better idea to leave certain sensation and experience re-enactment to the psychologists and/or psychiatrists that are better suited for handling these cases.
Breathing Exercises
To prevent reoccurrence, breathing exercises can be utilized to calm the body and reduce the likelihood of hyperventilation. There are dozens of various breathing techniques, but the simplest one is the following:
- 通过鼻子慢慢呼吸5到6秒钟。
- Hold for 3 seconds.
- 通过噘起的嘴唇(如吹口哨)呼吸7秒。
The strategy is supposed to be kind of fun, and a little bit silly, but also a good way to just make yourself feel like you are not stuck in your own head. Essentially, find a private place and let yourself yell and scream to your heart's content. You can punch pillows, throw things (safely, of course - nothing you’ll regret), and let yourself go wild in order to momentarily lift the weight of the world off your shoulders. It is okay to let everything you have kept inside go.
Other Strategies to Overcome Anxiety
This is just a small sample of the many strategies for reducing anxiety. Some people find relaxation exercises like visualization and progressive muscle relaxation to be helpful. Others find goal setting, staying socially active, and spending time with fun distractions to be all they need. Others need to consider herbal supplements like kava and passionflower that can help control anxiety.
But the most important thing to realize is committing to changing your anxiety is the most important step.