The following article will cover ten things you can do to help yourself sleep when your anxiety and insomnia would rather keep you awake.
Insomnia is Controllable
- Go Running -睡前不要跑,因为它会让你的心率起来,这可能会导致你稍后熬夜,但是在睡前几个小时,理想情况下,最好在晚餐前。这将使你的肌肉工作,并使它们保持形状,同时也会让他们疲惫不堪,让你的大脑成为希望关闭夜晚的充分理由。跑步也释放了大脑中的内啡肽,这是你的大脑的幸福化学品,可以帮助平衡你的大脑可能易于产生的悲伤或焦虑的化学品。
- 吃打火机晚餐 -Try eating a more substantial lunch during the day, and a less substantial dinner before bed. In Mediterranean countries, which are known for their healthy lifestyles and eating habits, lunch is usually bigger than dinner. That is because eating a large meal before dinner gives your stomach too much digestive work to do while you sleep to allow you to rest comfortably. This habit can also be good for your figure, as a smaller meal at dinner gives your body less fat to hold onto (you burn more fat when awake and active than you do while you're asleep and inactive). Improving your physical health by eating properly is an excellent way to reduce your anxiety by reducing any extra strain unhealthy eating was putting on your body.
- Drink Decaffeinated Tea -Drinking caffeinated beverages in the evening when you have insomnia is never a good idea. You should keep yourself caffeine-free for at least 4 hours before bedtime. However, you can drink decaffeinated tea with a soothing flavor such as chamomile or peppermint. The warmth of the tea can have a comforting effect as well, as warmth causes your muscles to relax (whereas cold causes them to tense up and shiver to send more heart-warmed blood to heat your extremities). There are also special blends of tea designed to help you sleep, such as Sleepytime tea. If purchasing tea, double check to ensure it is decaffeinated.
- Set a Regular Bedtime and Stick To It -If you go to bed some nights at 10 pm, some nights at 2 or 3 am, your body will get confused about when to be tired and when to stay awake. A routine of going to bed at a certain time can be comforting as it becomes familiar and a mark of accomplishment as you triumphantly click the light off at the time you have set for yourself and will train your brain over time that it needs to shut down when you want it to.
- Turn Off ALL Lights -这意味着您的电视,您的手机,灯和其他一切:覆盖任何带有发光红色或绿灯的东西,也是一个好主意。如果光线通过窗户进入,请将更厚的窗帘或将毯子作为短期解决方案。房间里的光线越小,你的眼睛不得不抓住并兴趣它们。证明零视觉刺激以提高睡眠质量。
- Keep a Journal -写日记在你去睡觉之前是一个great way to work through the troubles and concerns you may have encountered over the course of the day. Write down anything that is bothering you, along with a possible solution for each one. You can also jot down any urgent thoughts you have while getting to sleep that you need to remember for the next day so that the idea of forgetting them doesn't bother you either.
- Do Mental Exercises -尝试在床上平静地铺设,同时进行可视化练习,如下所示。每当一个消极的想法穿过你的思想,承认它,并想象一下把它放在一个心理躯干上并用一个钥匙锁定它,直到第二天你能把它们拿出来保持安全,然后看看它们。另一个良好的精神锻炼是放松身体的每个部分,一次。从你的脚趾开始,并专注于单独放松每一个人。搬到你的脚踝,然后你的犊牛,膝盖,靠近你的头 - 如果你走得那么远,请记得单独放松每个面部特色。一旦你的身体的每一部分都很松弛,放松,只需均匀地呼吸,直到你的思想放松和你的身体睡眠。
- 睡得很好地远离屏幕 -这意味着停止看电视和闭第一版吗er early. As hard as it may be to tear yourself away from those magical screens, it might be better to think of them as insomnia boxes. The internal light from these problematic boxes sends signals to your brain that it is still daytime and that it needs to stay awake and alert. True, exhaustion can claim you as you lie in front of the TV screen or computer, but this generally happens only when your body is desperate. Trying to transition from day-brain to night-brain without any period of darkening and transition in between takes extra time and may make you feel sleepless as you wait for your brain to accept the idea that it is night. For centuries the human brain slowly transitioned to sleep-mode with the help of twilight. Now, while we spend all our time indoors and in front of our insomnia boxes, our brains need a little extra help making the leap.
- Read by Candlelight -Not only is this kind of fun and a very "green" way to conserve energy and protect the environment, reading by candlelight provides the soft light your brain needs to suggest that it may be time to start shutting down. Get a pretty or scented candle (some candles have scents specifically designed for relaxation), make sure to keep it in a jar or on a plate to keep it from melting everywhere or starting a fire if you fall asleep without blowing it out, and read a book of poetry or some other book you find soothing. The effort of comprehension and of reading the words in the dim light will have the effect of tiring your brain.
- Control Room Temperature -如果夜间过热或太冷,请烧烤风扇或加热器以帮助调节温度。如果您的身体舒适,而在您无意识时,它将更容易到达REM睡眠。在您要切换的情况下,可以获得一些额外的毯子(重度和光线),以保持房间可能是一个好主意。在整个夜晚最大化舒适度的其他方法包括确保你有一个好枕头(不太平坦或太笨拙),床上足够的空间(清除任何不必要的物体或垃圾的床),在你旁边保持一杯水案例你在夜里汗水,并变得脱水,和/或投资舒适的睡眠面具,以防止光线唤醒你。
Following the above suggestions will encourage your body to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. If you still have trouble getting or staying asleep, talk to your doctor about the possibility of using stronger measures such as herbal supplements or medications to help you get the sleep you need. Anxiety can take a lot out of you, and getting the sleep you need is crucial to maintaining your functionality on a daily basis.