您可能不会意识到它 - 当然应对它可能还不够 - 但焦虑管理只是学会与您的焦虑和仍然可以运作的能力。
Managing anxiety is when you still have anxiety, but you've learned to control it. Curing anxiety is when you do not suffer from anxiety disorders anymore. You may still have anxiety when faced with an anxious situation, but you no longer suffer from anxiety attacks or live with unprompted anxiety every day. Curing anxiety takes time.
You want to cure your anxiety someday. Managing anxiety is great, but your mind and body are still struggling with it, and over time that stress can still cause you more problems even if your anxiety feels under control, but curing anxiety takes time, dedication, and smart treatment choices. Until you're ready to commit to an effective long-term treatment that can ultimately help you prevent future anxiety, managing anxiety is the next best thing.
实现焦虑管理最重要的是,即使有许多技术帮助您管理焦虑,您的心理应对技巧仍然是您最强大的工具。大家 - 无论他们经历多少焦虑 - 都在他们内心的技能。这就像肌肉,你可以训练它来帮助你克服焦虑并减少其影响。
- 醇
- Drugs
- 过度用途的药物
- 赌博
- 鲁莽的行为
These are always unhealthy behaviors, but they're especially damaging when you're trying to manage anxiety. That's because they become crutches that essentially tell your brain that it doesn't need to practice its coping skills because you have something else dulling the anxiety for you.
Your mind and body adapt when outside forces require it to do less work. It's the reason that steroid use in athletes is so dangerous. Take too many steroids, and your body will naturally produce less because it doesn't think it needs to do any work for them anymore.
- 行使每个人都告诉你锻炼身体健康。但是,当你不运动时,你应对压力的能力取得了巨大的打击。当你不运动时,你的焦虑往往会变得更糟,因为你的肌肉将浮肿能量转化为身体压力,这反过来变得精神压力。在壁边,当你运动时,你不仅可以减少额外的能量,还可以改善激素平衡,释放神经递质,增强心情,提高呼吸。锻炼是最有效,健康的焦虑管理工具之一。
- 睡觉,吃健康等。生活健康的生活方式也很重要。从睡眠到营养到水合,你的身体更健康,它的工作越好,而且它的工作就能越好,你会越焦虑。这些不是焦虑的治疗。当然,焦虑,通过多年的经验,更多的是心理健康障碍。只需睡觉就不会神奇地取走它,但他们会大大减少症状,这应该帮助您更容易应对焦虑。
- 瑜伽瑜伽is a type of exercise that has additional benefits for reducing anxiety. First, it is a slower form of exercise but equally challenging. Those with anxiety issues need an opportunity to slow down their lives so that it feels more manageable. Yoga also teaches breathing techniques that can be quite valuable for fighting anxiety.
- 记忆创造许多人没有意识到的另一种策略可以有效地创造回忆。例如,尝试新的美食或前往附近的博物馆。对于那些严重焦虑的人来说,这可能是非常难的,因为它需要走向世界,但你可以强迫自己做和享受每一天(幸福的回忆),当你在努力时,你就可以获得更积极的想法强调。
- 放松策略Many relaxation strategies exist that help you cope with anxiety. Visualization is a great one. It involves imagining yourself and your five senses in a more relaxed place. These strategies give your mind an opportunity to be calmer so that you have a chance to relearn how to cope with stress naturally.
- DistractionsDistractions are also an important part of anxiety management. Your thoughts tend to be your enemy when suffering from anxiety. Distractions allow you to stop focusing on such thoughts and provide an opportunity to calm down. Talking on the phone about positive topics (negativity still breeds anxiety) can be more powerful than you realize and a great way to regain that mental strength you used to have.
- 日记Writing down thoughts in a journal may seem like something you only did as a child, but it's a powerful coping tool. It benefits anxiety in two ways:
- First, journaling provides an opportunity to release thoughts - something that far too many people hold inside.
- 其次,写下忧虑在永久的地方提出了想法,并告诉你的大脑,它不必专注于记住它们。这些只是焦虑管理策略的例子。您也可能找到您为您工作的自己的策略。例如,也许你在公园里跳过石头是治疗的,或者也许读幸福的诗歌给你温暖的感受。
Remember, anxiety management is about helping your mind learn to cope with stress better so that the symptoms of anxiety aren't as severe. Anything that promotes relaxation may be helpful.
Living with panic and anxiety attacks can be a bit harder. Unfortunately, without the right treatment, these attacks will continue, and they can be devastating even for those that are used to them. But there are still ways to manage your anxiety attacks.
- 习惯症状Also known as exposure therapy, getting used to the symptoms will help you fear them less. You can do this by hyperventilating to simulate lightheadedness and poor breathing or spinning in a chair to simulate dizziness. The more you're used to the triggers and symptoms of panic attacks the less they'll affect you.
- Actively Face the Fears您也必须让您从未让恐慌攻击阻止您从地方或事件中回馈。manbetx体育官网当然,它更容易说,但事实是你让恐慌的攻击越多控制你,他们会控制你越多,因为你可能会开始期待他们并担心他们的存在。manbetx体育官网因此,如果您在去商场时获得恐manbetx体育官网慌攻击,请尝试访问商场。像恐慌攻击一样糟糕,如果manbetx体育官网让它控制你,它会更糟。
- Panic Attack Plan- 当您觉得您要恐慌攻击时,就有一个紧急计划到位。manbetx体育官网致电朋友,了解你的病情并与他们交谈,为您提供精神分散的心理和觉得有人知道你在哪里,你还可以。喝水并走来走去,以便你在移动而不是坐在思考这个问题上。如果可能的话,尝试慢跑。这种类型的计划不一定会阻止恐慌发作,但它可以降低其力量。manbetx体育官网再次,你的恐慌袭击越弱,你会害怕他们。manbetx体育官网
Permanently Managing Anxiety
Still, most people need something more. So while you should use the above anxiety management tips and information, you should also remember that options are available, and you don't have to live with anxiety forever.