Sexual performance anxiety is extremely common, especially among men. There is a great deal of pressure in society to perform in sexual situations, as a person's ability to do so is judged as a part of their personality.
Anxiety over sexual performance also tends to be self-sustaining. It can lead to issues like premature ejaculation or trouble getting aroused, and this contributes to sexual performance anxiety in the future. The following article describes causes and solutions to performance anxiety.
Many different issues can cause sexual performance anxiety. Often previous experiences are related to problems with performance. But one of the most common causes of sexual performance anxiety is simply suffering from anxiety.
- Society Pressure社会压力是导致绩效焦虑的最常见原因之一。男人担心他们满足女人的能力会影响公众对他们的看法,女人担心男人会根据他们的身体或能力来评判他们。如今人们对自己的生活如此公开,这使得这种压力更加严重,常常使社会压力更大。
- 缺乏经验缺乏经验can cause minor sexual dysfunctions that can lead to performance anxiety. Premature ejaculation, for example, is fairly common in those that have little to no sexual experience, and yet when it occurs it can cause a significant amount of shame, which ends up leading to the development of performance anxiety and, unfortunately, further sexual problems.
- Upsetting Sexual Encounters性极易引起期待和联想。因此,那些曾经因为伴侣在卧室里吵架、争吵或出于任何原因感到尴尬的人,在未来的性生活中更可能经历焦虑。人们对自己的性能力、身体等非常敏感,任何可能破坏这种敏感的东西都会导致焦虑。
Sexual performance problems are also a side effect of some anxiety medications, and anxiety over sexual performance tends to be more common in those that you have never made love to in the past, often because of the pressure you put on yourself to perform.
While it would be great to have some quick fix for sexual performance anxiety, like all forms of anxiety it is a long term process. Everyone can overcome these issues, but it takes work, dedication, and smart decisions. The following represent some important strategies for overcoming this anxiety:
- 告诉你的性伴侣当你有这种表现焦虑的时候,你能做的最糟糕的事情之一就是不告诉你的伴侣就去克服它。这会使你的焦虑变得更严重,你会过分关注每一个动作的感觉。强烈考虑在做爱前告诉你的伴侣你有这种焦虑和它引起的感觉。很可能你的伴侣会理解,你们两个可以一起努力。
- 做爱理想情况下,这个伴侣将是一个你可以长期保持亲密关系的人。经验-尤其是同一个人-是治疗性焦虑的良药。那是因为经验告诉你,不管你有多大的能力,这个伴侣都不会离开。它减少了你的性行为会伤害你性生活的恐惧。
- Don't Be Shy About Delivering ForeplayWhile some men and women struggle receiving foreplay when they have performance anxiety, they can still provide it. A great deal of performance anxiety relates to worries over how much the partner is enjoying the experience. You can reduce some of those worries by being more giving with foreplay, so that even if your sexual performance isn't what you or your partner wanted, your partner will still be satisfied.
- 锻炼Being confident in your body and your energy is also an important part of overcoming sexual anxiety. The more you're not thinking about yourself and how you look, the easier it is to engage in sexual activity without stress. Strongly consider picking up exercise if you haven't yet to ensure that you're as confident as possible.
- 行为实践Finally, don't forget about behavioral practice. This is more for men than women, but there are strategies (such as the stop/start masturbation method) that can improve your ability to make love confidently. You can also consider this same type of behavioral practice while making love. You and your partner can discuss strategies, and be open about needs and desires in order to have the best intimate moments possible.