Feeling shaky is a common symptom of anxiety, and one that most people have experienced at some point in their life. It's sometimes possible for shaking to be the only symptom or one of the first symptoms people notice when they're feeling nervous. There are ways to reduce the shakiness, but unfortunately, surging adrenaline makes it hard to control completely.
Shakiness is Something You Need to Deal With in Advance
So while this article explores anxiety shaking, it helps to remember that anxiety itself is what needs to be controlled the most and with the right treatment the shakiness can go away.
Why Do We Feel Shaky?
Are There Different Types of Triggers?
There are different types of triggers. Or, in a way, different types of shaking. Yet all of them may be due to anxiety. Shaking may be caused by:
- Short-term AnxietyEveryone - even those that don't have anxiety - can shake when confronted with a situation that causes nervousness. People shake on first dates, they shake before tests, they shake when they have a meeting with their boss; shaking is an incredibly normal experience, but one that is disruptive nonetheless.
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)When someone has GAD, their fight or flight system is firing all throughout the day at low levels, and occasionally can pick up at random times. This may cause shaking to occur for what seems to be no reason, although it tends to be less severe than during times of intense stress.
- Panic Attacks之前,期间或在恐慌发作后,摇晃可能很常见。manbetx体育官网这种摇晃绝对是由于恐慌攻击体验的激烈恐惧引起的。manbetx体育官网恐慌攻击的人也可能偶尔摇manbetx体育官网晃,没有明显的触发,并且摇晃实际上可以引起恐慌攻击本身,因为这个人的担忧是错误的。
- 无法解释的震颤最后,由于尚不清楚的原因,那些有日常焦虑的人可能只是感到摇摇欲坠或在手中发育震颤,但是它不一定清楚导致这一点,但长期压力可能对你的身体产生异常影响那么,在不寻常的情况下,你遇到震颤应该毫不奇怪。
有物理震动的原因,但这些tend to be less common. Also, during periods of stress, the body may deplete important resources, like water or magnesium. Sometimes the body shakes as a result of this nutrient loss. Only a doctor can confirm that you are feeling shaky because of anxiety and not because of some health problem.
Many people want to stop feeling shaky during periods of anxiety. Feeling shaky makes it hard to show your confidence, and can cause you to feel uncomfortable in many of life's situations.
But that doesn't mean that it's impossible. Here are some tips to control short term shaking, and afterward we'll review some of the ways to control long term anxiety:
- 喝水Make sure that you're hydrated. Dehydration can cause shakiness, and many of those with anxiety become dehydrated and allow their shaking to become worse. It won't stop shaking altogether, but it can be a healthy quick fix.
- Move这不是一个巨大的帮助,但有时你只需要移动。如果你跑到一点,或者缠绕着你的手臂,你可能会发现你的一些摇晃减少了。如果您可以锻炼,那更好,因为运动对身体具有自然平静的影响。
- Relaxation TechniquesThere are several relaxation techniques you can try as well. Some of the most common include:
- 可视化
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- Deep Breathing
- Slow Breathing——换气过度也会引起的感觉shaky. It often occurs during times of intense anxiety. Solve it by slowing down your breathing. Hyperventilation makes you feel like you're not getting enough air, but the truth is that you're getting too much air, so fight the sensation and try to breathe at a slower pace to regain some of the CO2 levels in your body.
- 身体部位控制- 有些人发现他们可以一次控制每个身体部位的摇晃。例如,如果你的手摇晃,一次盯着一手,看看你是否可以控制它。深呼吸并慢慢地移动以确保您觉得自己可以控制摇动,然后切换到下一手。
Again, once you start feeling shaky, it's often hard to control it, because the adrenaline has already been released. You can also try to prevent feeling shaky at these types of events by desensitizing yourself to the fear. For example, if you get anxiety during public speaking, try to schedule public speaking eventsmore often。最终他们会对你感到无聊,而且当事人很重要时你就不会摇晃。
So your goal needs to involve finding some way to stop anxiety permanently. You may not be able to control all shaking from short-term stresses - and you don't want to, because in general some minor degree of anxiety is actually very healthy - but you do want to be able to reduce the random shaking that you experience from anxiety and panic attacks.
In order to do this, you need to get at the heart of your anxiety. There is more than one type of anxiety, so there is also more than one type of treatment. The most common treatments include:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Medications
- Exercise and Anxiety Management
- Systematic Desensitization and Exposure Therapy
As with most mental health treatments, each person responds differently to each treatment option, and no one method will work for everyone. But anxiety is a 100% manageable condition when you find the right help, and if you are struggling with shakiness - or any anxiety symptom - it is worth it to try multiple treatments to see which one works for you.