Obsessive thoughts are the hallmark of obsessive compulsive disorder, but there are types of "obsessive" thoughts that are present in a variety of anxiety disorders that won't necessarily cause a diagnosis of OCD. Below, we'll look at examples of these obsessive thoughts and how they affect you.
All Types of Anxiety Can Lead to Obsessive Thoughts
The idea of "obsession" is that you cannot focus on anything other than a specific issue (or a few issues), and no matter how hard you try you cannot distract yourself. Many people who don’t have anxiety disorders still experience such thoughts. For example, your first crush back in high school may have led to obsessive thoughts at the time, if their affection was all you could think about.
Some examples of obsessive thoughts include:
- Fear of getting sick.
- 想着伤害爱人或陌生人。
- 专注于某种类型的侵略性行为(与您认识或陌生人的人)。
- 需要组织或对称。
- 为小事担心(我锁门了吗等)。
That's what causes compulsions. Compulsions are the action that the person completes in order to reduce this obsessive thought. When the person fears germs (obsession), they may need to wash their hands repeatedly (compulsion). When the person fears the door being unlocked (obsession), they may need to lock it 3 or more times (compulsion) to stop that fear.
Those that are concerned about doing something violent or sexual may try out any habit that causes the intensity of the thoughts to decrease - most often, however, the person performs safe and acceptable routines or rituals - not necessarily the violent or sexual act itself! In OCD, these obsessions are simply unwanted thoughts - they are highly unlikely to be acted upon.
重要的是要记住焦虑确实会导致这些消极的想法和消极的想法。焦虑改变你大脑化学反应的方式让它变得很难to focus on the positives or the future, and so it's not your fault that you can't distract yourself from these thoughts or that you're having them at all.
Obsessive Thoughts in Other Anxiety Disorders
It's also possible to develop obsessive thoughts associated with other anxiety disorders. Generally, these will not be quite as severe or overwhelming as the thoughts in OCD, and you're unlikely to develop compulsions as a result, but there are often some similarities between both disorders. Your psychologist will be the one to diagnose which of the following you have. Some examples of these disorders include:
- manbetx体育官网恐慌症那些患有惊恐障碍和惊恐manbetx体育官网发作的人可能会患忧郁症或健康恐惧症,担心自己的健康出了问题。他们也可能害怕恐慌症发作到这样的程度,这是他们所想的一切。恐慌症是严重焦虑的强烈感觉,伴随着呼吸急促、心跳加快、出汗和对严重错误的恐惧。
- 创伤后应激障碍-那些患有创伤后应激障碍的人经常发现自己对自己所经历的创伤有着强迫性和过度的思考,或者认为创伤会再次发生。
- Phobias那些有着非常严重恐惧症的人可能会开始越来越多地思考他们所做的每件事的恐惧对象。例如,检查你的衣服是否有蜘蛛,让别人定期检查你的房子可能代表着一种恐惧症。
- 社交恐惧症那些社交恐惧症的人过度担心在社交场合中令人尴尬。在某些情况下,可能是一个想法发生的事情,而在其他情况下,可能是对未来的最糟糕的情况。
- 广泛性焦虑症-GAD是一种与许多普遍的担忧有关的疾病。例如,担心你的儿子/女儿在上大学后处于危险之中,以及对经济和人际关系的担忧,可能是GAD和伴随而来的强迫性想法的一种迹象。
So, while generally an obsessive thought is considered a problem for those with OCD, it is something that can affect those with other types of anxiety disorders as well.
How to Stop Obsessive Thoughts
Stop Shaming Yourself
Acceptance is crucial. These thoughts are not in your control, and not something you should expect to control. Learn to accept that they're a natural part of the disorder and that when you treat your disorder you'll have fewer of these thoughts.
Part of this will come from acceptance, as mentioned above. But a big part of it is simply learning to let yourself worry.
But if your obsessions are causing you significant distress, then it's very likely that you have anxiety and could benefit from some support.
The Overall Solution to Obsessive Thoughts
不matter what you do at home in your spare time, you will still need to address your anxiety directly. Remember, your disorder causes obsessive thoughts, so the only way to truly stop these thoughts is to stop the disorder.
Anxiety is a manageable condition, but it is important to find the right treatment. Some of the better options for obsessive thoughts out there include:
- 认知行为疗法-这很容易成为最有效的治疗强迫性思维的方法之一,因为它专门针对有问题的思维,并提供可行的策略来消除它。
- 改变生活方式——睡眠、锻炼和减少日常压力都有助于消除焦虑和强迫性思维模式。
- Medications - Though not preferred by many, there are several very effective medications that can help you cope. At times, medication may be used as an adjunct to psychotherapy.