This is often the case with vertigo. Vertigo itself is not technically an anxiety symptom, but dizziness - which is often confused with the idea of vertigo - very much is, and it's actually a surprisingly common one.
If your vertigo and/or dizziness are causing you concern, talk to your doctor. Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of your vertigo, and there are some very serious illnesses that are associated with vertigo and vertigo-like symptoms.
Vertigo is actually a subtype of dizziness, and technically anxiety does not cause vertigo. Vertigo is the feeling that you're in motion (or the world's in motion) when you're actually stationary. It's "usually" long lasting, and often caused by an imbalance in your inner ear.
- 头晕
- Lightheadedness
- 恶心
Anxiety and Vertigo Dizziness
It’s important that your levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide are balanced within your body. During hyperventilation, you don’t have enough carbon dioxide in the bloodstream which causes changes in your body. For example, your blood vessels constrict, your heart beats quickly, and you experience reduced blood flow to the brain. This can result in feelings of dizziness.
- LightheadednessDuring periods of hyperventilation, it's not uncommon to feel light headed.
- Trouble ThinkingBecause blood flow is reduced the brain, it can be hard to think or concentrate on what's in front of you.
- Weak Limbs过度通气也可能导致暂时的肌肉弱点,使其越来越难以理解。
- 过度敏感Those with anxiety attacks are prone to notice problems with their balance, dizziness, lightheadedness, and weak limbs more than someone without them.
- Health Anxiety那些焦虑症的攻击也更容易相信他们的健康问题是错误的,而不是简直遭受呼吸问题。
When you combine all of these things together, you get a group of sensations that feel like vertigo, and often cause a significant amount of anxiety and distress.
Stopping That Feeling of Vertigo
- Hyperventilation makes you feel like you need to breathe in more air, but in reality, you need to breathe out slower to regain the carbon dioxide-oxygen balance.
- 过度通气不仅仅是呼吸迅速。它还涉及尝试吸入比身体需求更多的空气。如果你试图打哈欠或更深的呼吸,只要你迅速呼吸,你就会继续过度通气。
- Hyperventilation doesn't always go away quickly.
With that in mind, the idea is to simply slow down your breathing and try to resist the urge to force a deeper breath than you need or to take that deep breath too rapidly. You can do that by counting the seconds. Breathe in long enough to last about 5 seconds. Hold for a few seconds. Then breathe out at a pace that lasts about 7 seconds. Try not to be too concerned about how much air you’re getting - just keep to a natural, slow rhythm.
Hyperventilation disorder often causes many other symptoms, including chest pains. It's important that you remind yourself that hyperventilation can do this. If you’re fearful of these sensations - pains, lightheadedness, dizziness, and so on - you risk worsening your anxiety. This, in turn, increases your risk of hyperventilation.
While anxiety doesn’t cause vertigo, you are likely to experience anxiety as a result of vertigo. Furthermore, your anxiety can make your vertigo worse. A great way to reduce your likelihood of experiencing dizziness and associated symptoms is to reduce your anxiety. But to do that, you need to find ways of countering the hyperventilation that accompanies your anxiety. One way of doing this is through the breathing exercise that we have discussed in this article.