Other Symptoms


Faiq Shaikh,M.D.
Medically reviewed by

Anxiety is self-sustaining. Anxiety causes a variety of physical symptoms that can be incredibly frightening. These, in turn, cause more anxiety, which ultimately leads to more physical symptoms.

It's a dreadful cycle, and a symptom that often precipitates severe anxiety is difficulty breathing. Trouble breathing can be due to a heart attack, heart failure, lung disorders and more, but breathing difficulty may also be due to anxiety - especially if severe.

When to Call a Doctor



Remember, only a doctor can diagnose your condition, and even if you strongly believe it's anxiety, a simple visit can be very calming to quell any persistent worries or concerns.

When you go to the doctor, the following will be assessed:


Causes of Breathing Difficulty From Anxiety



麻烦呼吸几乎总是由过度通气造成的 - 许多人不完全理解的问题。


当你没有完全呼吸时,可能会觉得你没有得到足够的氧气,所以你试图更深入的呼吸。但是,你会感到惊讶地知道这种感觉不是由于没有足够的呼吸而导致 - 它实际上是由获得的太多的氧气.

The act of getting too much oxygen can make your body feels like it needs more air, causing you to try to breathe in deeper. This never works, however, because the problem is caused by an overabundance of oxygen and not enough CO2. It may cause your hyperventilation to get worse, causing other symptoms like:

这实际上是焦虑症发生的主要原因之一。在焦虑症中,个人经常感觉他们没有得到足够的空气,所以他们试图呼吸更深。这导致身体耗尽二氧化碳,这可能会让你感觉好像你经历严重的健康问题 - 就像心脏病发作 - 导致焦虑剧烈可能导致恐慌和许多身体症状。manbetx体育官网


It's also possible that coughing or sitting awkwardly can lead to over-breathing, and these may also trigger the symptoms of hyperventilation.

Other Causes of Breathing Difficulty


Perceived breathing problems may also lead to real breathing problems if the person responds by trying to breathe in too much air.

How to Calm the Symptoms and Get a Deep Breath

Anytime you feel like you're unable to breathe properly, you need first to try to control the hyperventilation. It may go against your instincts, however - yawning or trying to get your chest to expand will only make it worse.


Ideally, you actually need to take smaller and slower breaths, but that can be hard when you're in a panic because of the lightheadedness. Instead, try the following:


Once your breathing is under control, your next step will be to reduce your overall anxiety. First, make sure you remind yourself that hyperventilation is extremely common. It affects millions of people, and far more likely than developing a heart problem if you didn't have one already. Assuming you have already been to the doctor, the chance of you having a serious health problem is very small.

Next, make sure you start to take control of the individual symptoms of your anxiety.

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