That’s what often happens to those who experience buzzing sensations. These sensations are usually physical, not auditory, but some people do hear buzzing sounds. They constitute a strange symptom without an obvious immediate cause, which can create significant distress in those who experience it.
Understanding the Buzzing Feeling
The buzzing sensation is hard for many to explain. What makes it more interesting is that it appears to occur even when no clear anxiety is present. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so hard to describe and diagnose: the buzzing itself doesn’t always occur at the peak of anxiety.
Why Symptoms Occur When No Anxiety is Present
One of the reasons this symptom causes so much distress is that it can occur without any clear anxiety being present. Since most anxiety symptoms occur along with an emotional experience of anxiety, this can cause the feeling that something else is wrong with your body. It commonly triggers a large number of the health fears that many with anxiety experience regularly.
两个问题导致嗡嗡声的感觉 - 以及在没有焦虑的情况下发生的其他不寻常的感觉 - 当你的焦虑消失时发生:
- 有些人体验无意识的恐惧和焦虑。这些是他们可能不完全了解的压力来源。有时,当你习惯阻止或试图忽略感情时,这可能是这种情况。虽然你当时可能感到罚款,你的身体仍然响应焦虑。
- 焦虑真的改变了你的身体作品的方式,长期压力可以改变激素,紧张的肌肉,做更多
Don’t forget that anxiety is associated with both worst-case-scenario thinking and the tendency to focus on feelings and sensations to such a strong degree that you become overly aware of and sensitive to them. In some cases, you may pay excessive attention to your body, making the sensations more intense without realizing it.
如果有研究嗡嗡声的原因,这将更容易,但遗憾的是没有对这种类型的研究没有研究。意识到的关键是,许多人似乎患有这种类型的条件 - 有些人这样的程度可以听到他们的耳朵里的嗡嗡声 - 你自己体验这个感觉并不是不寻常的。
When you have anxiety, Googling your symptoms is one of the worst things you can do. You’ll find that issues like buzzing — and many other types of disorders — are caused by neurological conditions like MS and ALS.
You should always see a doctor if you are worried about new or changing symptoms. But rest assured that these conditions are rare and your doctor is sure to have experience identifying them. You need to make sure that you are not contributing to your own anxiety by looking up all of your symptoms and convincing yourself you have the worst thing you can find.
Anxiety causes a buzzing sensation, but scientists are still trying to determine why. It is believed to relate to the way hormones interact with your body as a result of persistent, long term stress. Addressing your anxiety is the best way to stop the sensations.