If you have anxiety, you likely experience a variety of difficult symptoms. Some common symptoms are feeling tense, nervousness, having racing thoughts, believing in worst case scenarios, and struggling with a rapid heartbeat.
Not only can anxiety cause gas problems and bloating - the gas problems themselves can lead to other symptoms that can actually increase anxiety. This can create a vicious cycle of anxiety and gassiness. While being gassy is generally nothing to worry about, recognizing the cause of the gas problems is important in terms of learning ways to intervene on the issue.
- 吞咽空气在焦虑症发作期间,吞咽过量空气并不少见。这通常是无意中发生的,因为在恐慌发作期间,大多数人的呼吸模式会发生显著变化(即呼吸更快)。一旦空气进入你的身体,它会引起压力,需要释放,从而导致气体。manbetx体育官网
- 氧气释放Similarly, those who have anxiety and panic attacks are more likely to experience hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is when there is too much oxygen in your blood. Eventually that oxygen needs to be dispelled, and gas may be the result. Essentially, hyperventilation is overbreathing: breathing very rapidly and deeply. Hyperventilation can lead to feeling light-headed, dizzy, experiencing chest pain, dry mouth, or even belching. Hyperventilation can leave someone feeling breathless.
- 消化问题消化道对任何变化和/或压力都极为敏感。焦虑明显会导致压力增加,从而影响胃肠系统。就整个胃肠系统和焦虑而言,症状往往首先在胃部感觉到。压力(由焦虑引起)可以阻止一个人的身体有效地处理食物,通常通过系统的速度太慢。这会导致你体内的细菌积聚,产生过量的气体和腹胀。这就是为什么肠易激综合征也常常与焦虑有关,或因焦虑而加重。
大量的气体会导致身体疼痛, and if the person experiencing the gas is unable to pass that gas (often due to being around other people) anxiety can be induced. This can be a vicious cycle, with anxiety causing gas and gas contributing to increased anxiety.
Once gas builds up in a person’s body, it needs to be released. This means finding a place where this can be done comfortably through belching or flatulating. Once the gas is out, the symptoms of that gas (and the anxiety experienced as a result of that gas) should decrease.
- Breathe in slowly, at a speed which lasts 5 seconds.
- Hold for a few seconds.
- 慢慢呼气,速度大约持续7秒。
Other ways people have reported managing their anxiety-related gas include:
- Eating and drinking slowly - Taking more time to chew and swallow food and drinks automatically helps with swallowing less air. Eating during times of less stress, and allowing adequate time to eat and enjoy a meal can all help with managing the pace of eating and drinking
- 戒烟-如果一个人是一个吸烟者和经历焦虑相关的气体,这可能有利于他或她戒烟。当一个人吸入烟雾时,他或她也吸入(并吞咽)空气。
- Skip the gum and hard candies - those who chew gum and/or eat hard candies throughout the day are far more prone to swallow more air than those who do not indulge in these things.
- 避免碳酸饮料-碳酸饮料(如苏打水、啤酒等)会释放二氧化碳气体,这会直接增加产生气体和腹胀的几率。
- 检查假牙-如果一个人的假牙不合适,他或她可能会吞下额外的空气。