So what can you do about problems concentrating? We'll explore that in this article.
What's interesting is that calling them concentration problems may be misleading. Often you ARE concentrating - you're simply focusing on the wrong things (like your anxiety and the way it makes you feel). It's very hard to focus on work when you're worried about the day or feeling incredibly anxious.
Finally, another problem is that many people use distractions to cope. For example, you may find yourself browsing the web more at work because browsing the web relaxes you. However, by doing this you are distracting yourself from your work as well making it difficult to be focused on your work.
Concentration and Anxiety
Anxiety doesn't necessarily cause concentration problems as its own symptom. In fact, it could be argued that anxiety actually improves concentration. Anxiety is the activation of your fight or flight system, which is meant to keep you safe from harm by ensuring you're running away or fighting without distraction.
So in a way, your mind and body are ready to concentrate. The problem is that:
- 它没有集中注意力。
- What it does concentrate on is not what you want to concentrate on.
How to Improve Concentration With Anxiety
Improving concentration is about trying to figure out what's causing the distractions (besides anxiety) and refocusing your mind on what you're doing. Depending on the severity of your anxiety it can be a bit difficult, but you may find that trying the following suggestions provides some relief:
- Sensory Stimulation有趣的是,增加轻微的分心可能有助于一些人减少他们的分心。这种策略对每个人都不适合,但很多人需要的是淹没他们的想法,就像穿上电视或播客或收音机一样。这些提供的感官刺激使得更难过度关注焦虑思想,这反过来有助于提高你关注你需要的东西的能力。但是,您需要确保您没有被该技术分散注意力。我建议背离电视并将音量放在足够低,以至于你无法听到每个单词,但你可以听到足够的话,它分散了你的消极思想。
- 写出你所做的想法另一个可能非常有效的策略是写出经常性的思想,这些思想分散了焦点的分散。许多人发现他们有很多事情在他们的脑海里,无论他们多么努力,他们都似乎无法停止思考这些想法。可能是你的思想正试图记住思想。如果你把它们写出来,你的思绪会知道你的想法是一个安全的地方,所以它不会在试图记住它们时焦点。
- Prevent Distractions试图避免分心并使不可能分散注意力之间存在差异。例如,让我们说你是一个作家,你有一个分心的焦点,导致你不断浏览网络。通过关闭互联网或安装防止Web浏览的软件,无法简单地尝试浏览网络,尽力使Web浏览不可能。您可以通过造成分类的生活中的其他领域,就像将电池从遥控器中取出一样。由于许多人发现他们正在使用这些工具来应对他们的焦虑,防止他们可以让您保持手头的任务。
- TimersAnother interesting tool is to give yourself a timer that you use for your "distraction time" and your "work" or focus time. People that work under a set timeframe have an easier time focusing, even if their mind is actively thinking about other things. If you have a timer, set it to something like 1 hour, and then work as hard as you can in that hour. Once the hour is over, give yourself 15 minutes to be distracted, then set the timer again for 1 hour of non-stop work.
- Create Sub TasksFigure out what it is you need to do specifically, and then create numerous smaller tasks in list form that you check off one by one. This way even if you get distracted, you know exactly what you're focusing on at any given time, and you can work until you finish it and then motivate yourself to the next task.
- Breathe Better有些人发现他们在焦虑发作期间最困难。这种类型的浓缩问题与其他类型不同,因为它往往持续时间较少,但也使得几乎不可能关注周围的内容。这种浓度问题通常是由于过度通气。在焦虑症期间,您倾向于以一种导致血流减少到达大脑的方式呼吸,导致您失去了一些浓度能力。这并不危险,但它可能会令人痛苦。通过急剧减慢呼吸呼吸并使喘气的冲动更加呼吸,更加呼吸。确保至少需要5秒钟来呼吸,保持两秒钟,至少需要7秒钟才能呼吸。