Many people bite their lip when they have anxiety. It's extremely common and occurs not only with anxiety disorders but also with nervous flirting, nervous tension, and just a feeling of something being amiss. It's an unconscious behavior that many people are unaware of, and others struggle to control.
对于许多人来说,咬嘴唇可能相当令人沮丧 - 特别是如果他们没有意识到他们正在这样做。他们可能会发现他们的嘴唇是出血或原始的,因为他们太难了或经常咬嘴唇。这种神经TIC的原因是什么,你能做些什么来抑制它?
Lip biting may be a sign of underlying anxiety, but it almost always occurs with other symptoms.
One would think that lip biting would have an obvious cause. After all, millions of people do it, and it's an extremely common anxiety symptom. But unfortunately, no one is sure what causes lip biting or why it occurs. It's essentially a nervous habit - a an anxious behavior.
- 隔膜呼吸Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as "deep breathing" is a relaxation strategy that many people use to control their breathing. The researchers recommended utilizing this strategy during times of stress. It involves taking slow, controlled breaths with a straight back and breathing in through your stomach, not your chest.
- Progressive Muscle RelaxationThe researchers recommend you combined deep breathing with progressive muscle relaxation. This tactic involves tensing each muscle one at a time and draining muscles of energy so that they don't have the strength to provide anxiety symptoms and allow you to feel more relaxed.
- 竞争反应研究人员还建议开发他们定期的“竞争回应”。竞争的反应是一种行为,这使得不可能咬你的嘴唇。例如,用手指或舌头摩擦唇部。
甚至可能不需要竞争反应。您还可以练习一种名为“Mindfulness”的技术。心灵只是试图更清楚你的焦虑症状的行为。在某种程度上,竞争反应是这样做 - 它迫使你思考你的嘴唇咬人,以便这不是一种习惯,而是一个选择,然后防止你做到这一点。