摇晃是焦虑最常见的症状之一,以及最清晰的方式,即说明你很紧张。有自信的公开演讲者 - 男女曾经在观众面前 - 他们的手会在演讲中猛烈地动摇,因为它是焦虑和紧张的一部分,这是非常难以控制的。
It is also a common issue in anxiety disorders. This article will explore the causes and solutions to anxious shaking.
Once in a while, you're going to find yourself nervous—you may be on a first date, you may have an important test, or you may be giving a speech or a presentation. It is only natural to feel nervous in these times, and unfortunately, there is little that you can do to control the shaking.
Why the Body Shakes During Anxiety
Shaking is a result of an activated fight or flight system - an evolutionary tool that's meant to keep you safe in times of danger. During intense anxiety, your body is flooded with a hormone called epinephrine (adrenaline). That hormone activates your nerves and muscles, giving them the energy they need to fight, flee, or react.
When Your Shaking is a Problem
Without anxiety, you wouldn't have any idea what you should be afraid of, and if you were faced with danger you'd have a much harder time running away or protecting yourself.
That's why during regular events, like taking the SATs, getting in a fight, or asking someone to marry you, you naturally get nervous. You're faced with a situation that is scary, exciting, or dangerous to you, and so it is natural to feel anxious. You need that to make good decisions and stay safe.
An anxiety disorder occurs when you experience anxiety without any of these types of triggering situations. Those with an anxiety disorder might find themselves shaking without being confronted with a dangerous situation. For example:
- Generalized Anxiety DisorderShaking may occur all the time or because of nervous thoughts.
- Panic Disorder在恐慌发作之前,期间和之后可能会发生摇晃。manbetx体育官网
- Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderShaking may occur in response to hearing loud noises.
It's possible you're shaking for other reasons. Diabetes and Parkinson's disease are both linked to shaking and tremors. Dehydration and hypoglycemia are two very common causes of shaking.
- 慢跑或跑步Using your muscles by jogging or running may help releive some of your stress and pent-up energy.
- 深呼吸呼吸缓慢也有助于摇晃。深,充分,缓慢的呼吸可以镇静焦虑,并且可能减少过度通气。
Some people have trained themselves to shake less. Drinking water and eating healthier may help too. Some people shake worse when their body needs more nutrients or hydration.
Strategies to Reduce Anxiety
- 生活方式修改饮食更健康,锻炼,花时间与更积极的人,并找到更多的时间来放松,对控制焦虑来说非常重要。即使您决定与其他治疗一起使用,即使是完整的生活方式,也会让焦虑更容易。万博max手机
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)CBT is the most effective therapy currently available for controlling anxiety disorders. It deals specifically with how to recover from some of the faulty thought processes that lead to anxiety and is a great tool for controlling daily.
- 药物理想情况下,您应该避免药物,因为它们不会直接对待焦虑。但如果治疗和生活方式改变是不够的,它们对于短期控制是有用的。也有像Kava这样的天然药物可能是有益的。
The best way to find an effective treatment, however, is to base it off of your anxiety symptoms. Your symptoms are what define your anxiety, and ultimately give you the tools you need to stop it.