This article will discuss the many potential causes of anxiety, the common types of anxiety teens and the signs and symptoms to watch for, and the safest treatments for teenage anxiety.
It should be noted that not all causes of anxiety in teens are related to being a teenager. You can find a complete list of causes作为我们焦虑导向的一部分。遗传学可能引起焦虑,就像生活经历一样,这是许多其他因素。
Once again, this is why anxiety is too complex to simplify into a specific issue, and it may be important not to box your teen in based on their age.
- Hormonal Shifts and Mood Swings十几岁的rel荷尔蒙的转变是一个主要因素ated anxiety. Testosterone increases in males and estrogen increase in females, causing heightened reactivity and emotional responses. Moreover, when external stressors are combined with a preexisting imbalance in hormones, the brain is likely to react by altering its physical structure, creating more receptors for stress hormones and decreasing the number of receptors for relaxation hormones, which can cause long term anxiety problems.
- 大脑发展与判断问题The brain development that occurs during the teen years is a big part of why teenagers experience mood swings and, often, poor judgment. The brain's grey matter thickens until age 11 in girls and age 12 in boys, after which point the brain automatically ceases thickening the matter and begins refining it instead. The last area to stop thickening and start being refined in teens is the prefrontal cortex, which is in charge of self control, judgment and thinking ahead. The strong emotions produced by hormonal shifts are therefore less tempered by reason than they are in adults. Not having self control, good judgment or the ability to plan ahead can make life very complicated and cause a lot of stress, particularly in combination with other teenage experiences.
- Bodily Changes身体外观和功能的变化可能以多种方式引起压力。不愉快或不必要的变化的外观,如丘疹,声带,身体头发,身高,身体气味,以及更多的影响自尊和焦虑。这种痛苦和不便的月经周期,勃起的尴尬也是如此。在不适当的时间,令人困惑的性欲,以及许多其他共同的青少年问题。所有这些都有助于使青少年身体成为一个不熟悉的,尴尬和非常紧张的地方。此外,身体的性器官的发展导致性促使和抑制难以处理并且可能产生压力后果。
- 从父母或监护人倾斜If a teenager has been close with his or her parents from a young age, it may be difficult for them to accept the need to branch out and form connections with others, as well as the need to form their own identity separate from their parents. Being on their own for the first time and taking on new responsibilities can cause feelings of inadequacy and fear as they learn to adjust to having less protection and guidance than they are used to.
- Changing Ideals and Parental Disapproval青春期是改变理想的时间。因为我们作为儿童的理想通常由我们的父母或监护人大部分形成,当我们的理想改变时,它可能会对我们生活中的成年人令人不安。青少年已经长大的宗教不再适合他们,或者他们的政治思想已经与父母不同,或者他们已经发现了一些关于自己的别人的知识或积极的激情,甚至是他们的性取向以前没有意识到。这些发现中的任何一个都会导致父母的反对和令人窒息的青少年的发展,这可能导致他们感到不受欢迎,甚至怀疑他们是一个不同意他们父母的坏人,因为他们以前常常与父母同意。
- Isolation青少年中孤立的紧张感觉可能是由许多因素引起的。例如,在形成他们的身份时,青少年有时默认默认,以识别特定的人群并拒绝他人。当发生这些划分时,朋友可以与朋友分开,并孤立可以产生。结合家庭环境中的紧张,这可能导致一种没有人理解你的感觉,从中抑郁和焦虑往往是茎。
- 同伴和社会压力同龄人和社会的压力使得青少年觉得他们别无选择,被社会的期望所束缚,他们不得不改变自己的真实身份(或者看到别人改变),从而导致压力,和/或他们是不正常的,如果他们不屈服于他们所承受的压力,他们就会变得不那么正常。通常,同龄人的压力与父母的建议和/或要求大相径庭,这导致父母规则和青少年社会规则之间的脱节带来额外的紧张。