The following are 11 different tips for those suffering from anxiety. Often anxiety requires a more comprehensive treatment, but with these tips it may be possible for you to reduce the frequency and severity of your anxiety.
There are a lot of options for those that want to reduce anxiety. There are medicines. There are herbs. There are therapies. There are even relaxation strategies. But before you do anything else, you absolutely have to start exercising.
Studies have shown that exercise and anxiety have a number of links:
- Those that do not exercise are more likely to develop anxiety disorders.
- 与抗焦虑的药物相比,运动本身已经有利。
Tip 2: Sometimes Sharing is Better Than Holding Back
Being aware of the following three points below are important facts to know:
- 大多数人不判断那些有焦虑的人。
- 大多数人都判断那些有焦虑的人不是你应该照顾的人。
- 撤回和孤立的孤立可能对您的心理健康产生非常负面影响。
人们可以选择焦虑和身体语言。You can't hide it as easily as you want to. Chances are if you withdraw because of your anxiety, the person is going to notice that something is wrong. This doesn't mean you need to go sharing to a stranger or your boss that you're anxious if you don't want to, but if you're out with friends or family and you feel you're having anxiety or an anxiety attack, don't be afraid to talk about it. You have very little to lose, and talking about it is just what you need to reduce the severity of the anxiety.
Tip 3: Stress Coping isn't About Activities
It's important to also clear up a myth about stress coping. You will find countless tips for activities to do to cope with stress, like yoga, meditation, etc. These activities are called stress or anxiety coping tools, and are only strategies to help people cope in the face of stress. These coping mechanisms assist the brain learns to adapt in times of stress.
Tip 4: Healthy Distractions Are Helpful
When you have anxiety, do you ever feel that you want to be alone, and that you want to try to get over anxiety with your own thoughts?
This feeling is natural. However being lost in your thoughts may create more anxiety. Your thoughts are what causes your anxiety and may prevent positive thinking if dwelt on for too long. While some alone time is still helpful now and then, ideally you need to try to plan your entire schedule from morning until night with as many healthy distractions as possible. Spend time with friends. Do fun activities right after work. Listen to music and try to do things like puzzles, games, spots, and other personal distractions.
These aren't going to stop your anxiety, but they may limit the amount of time you can focus on your anxiety, allowing the mind to gain some control and strengthening the stress control muscle.
This isn't always possible, but ideally when you have a recurring stress in your life, find a way to make it fun. The most common example is the workplace. Let's say you work in a toxic environment and you're stressed every day. What can you do?
Well, you can let that stress effect you, or you can try to turn your work into a game so that it's more fun, doing things like:
- 将您的任务转变为与自己的竞争。
- Creating a bingo card of the things that create stress and giving yourself a treat when you get a bingo.
- 躲在办公室周围的笔记,只有你意识到。
- 在您的商务套装下穿着一些有趣的东西,就像一个人的内部开玩笑。
- 在工作期间或工作之后计划与工友的活动,以便您担心您的工作场所少。
These are all quick examples of ways you can quickly make your work more enjoyable, and once your work is more enjoyable, the stresses won't have quite as much of a lasting impact on your life.
Those with anxiety have a tendency to have thoughts - not_always_焦虑或压力相关,但通常有关的焦虑或压力 - 他们根本无法停止思考。在你独自思考的时候试图睡觉之前,这是非常常见的,但它可以在技术上随时发生,而且它可以是相当压力的,因为它无法思考别的什么。
一个已知在缓解这些思想时非常有效的一个策略是在期刊上写下它们。研究表明,大脑足够智能,以实现不需要记住的东西。这是专家认为人们现在比过去的事实知识更少的原因 - 因为大脑并没有打扰它可以在谷歌上轻松抬头的东西。
所以当你有这些想法时,无论他们是什么 - 特别是他们让你晚上保持清醒的地方,把它们写下来。通过将它们写下来,您能够专注于较少,最终从中救济。
There are a lot of people that claim that that diet has a profound role in anxiety. Turns out that's probably not true. Caffeine isn't likely to increase anxiety unless you're losing sleep or taking too much. Fried foods tend to be eaten by those that aren't taking care of themselves, but the foods themselves are unlikely to cause anxiety. Most dietary beliefs seem to be incorrect.
- Drinking Water在今天的社会中,脱水是深刻的常见。大多数人不喝足够的水。你不太可能脱水足以引起焦虑(你必须被危险地脱水才能焦虑),但你可能会足够脱水,因为你确实有焦虑时,你的症状会变得更糟。目前尚不清楚为什么这发生,但很可能当你脱水时,你的身体和大脑都会压力,导致进一步焦虑。
- 镁泥m镁泥m is the only vitamin that has shown some success in those with anxiety. It's not clear why. Some theorize it is because it offsets calcium, which has a calming effect. Others point out that most people are significantly deficient in magnesium in their diets, and since stress also burns away any stored magnesium, those with stress may be developing anxiety as a result. Either way, it's something you may want to consider with your doctor.
尽管饮食可能不一定很重要,但还有其他益处健康,维生素,削减油炸食品等,这可能有助于以其他方式焦虑 - 例如提供更多的能量来达到你的一天。
Health anxiety is a serious problem, specifically because it is self-sustaining and difficult to cure, and one of the issues you need to worry about the most is Googling symptoms.
If you Google your symptoms, you're bound to find both anxiety and some terrible health condition, and because you have anxiety there is a good chance you're going to believe it's the terrible health condition. You should see a doctor, because seeing a doctor is safer, but you also need to stop Googling your symptoms because you're always going to convince yourself it might be the terrible health condition, and experience more anxiety as a result.
那些令人焦虑的最常见问题之一是他们倾向于花很多时间与创造更多焦虑的人 - 喜欢从事鲁莽活动的人,让他们失败的人等人。
Human beings are incredibly social animals, and as social animals we tend to adapt to the people we spend time with. If you're spending time with those that create more anxiety in your life, you're going to continue to have more anxiety.
You do need friends. Friends are also an important part of confidence building and coping. But you also need to make sure that you're not making friends with people that cause more anxiety in your life. Try to find happier and more supportive friends, and if that's not possible try to schedule more psychologically healthy activities with those friends.
Anxiety is unlike many other types of health and mental health conditions. Anxiety tends to be cumulative, even if you don't realize it. Behind the scenes, your mind is constantly processing information. The more anxiety you have in your life, the more anxiety you're going to experience.
- You may listen to music with angry or sad tones that negatively affect your mood.
- You may watch horror movies, reality shows, or dramas that add negativity.
- 你可以赌博,经常花钱,或从事危险的活动。
When you suffer from anxiety, all of these things matter. They all bring further anxiety into your life, and make your anxiety disorder worse.
Catalogue what you do throughout the day. Are you doing anything that may be bringing even a small amount of anxiety in your life? Are you reading political blogs, walking down dark alleys at night, or speeding when you drive? Anything you do that can cause even a small amount more anxiety should be carefully reconsidered.
Tip 11: Feeling Good About Yourself Matters
It's also important that you always feel good about yourself and the future. Anxiety and depression are very similar, as both are related to neurotransmitters in your brain that affect mood. They make you feel worse about yourself, and that can make it harder to overcome anxiety.
- You can set realistic but fun goals for yourself so that you get the joy of accomplishment.
- 你可以穿得好,并确保你为你的外表感到自豪。
- You can go on vacations and have experiences to give you conversation starters.
Bonus Anxiety Tip: Anxiety is Treatable - But Commitment is Important
Anxiety is one of the most treatable conditions available. In fact, experts believe it may be anywhere from 80% to 100% treatable. There are only three issues that stand in its way:
- Most people do not choose an effective treatment, if they treat it at all.
- Most people do not commit to those treatments.
- 并非所有治疗都适万博max手机合每个人。将有一些试验和错误。
Not every anxiety treatment is perfect, and there are always setbacks. That's why commitment is important, as well as the willingness to try new things. But as long as you're always working towards curing your anxiety, you will eventually find relief.