When just coping with your anxiety you may even have an underlying uneasiness knowing that anxious feelings are likely to return or intensify.
How to Manage Anxiety
第一步是愿意愿意改变生活中的事情,产生焦虑。将存在一些挑战和艰难的决策 - 包括减少与创造焦虑和避免焦虑燃料活动的人的时间 - 但这些变化将在长远来看。
Being alone can also be a great way to regroup, especially if you need some time to de-stress. Drinking and recreational drug use may produce a temporary calming effect. Neither self medication nor being isolated are long term solutions.
管理不是我们通常会想到的行为类型,当我们谈论控制自己的焦虑时。相反,这是一种思考行为。管理焦虑可能被认为是一种心理能力或技能 - 你需要练习的人来创造。
So when we talk about these tools, we're really talking about behaviors and activities that give you the best opportunity to re-learn how you respond to situations that produce anxiety. These are activities that provide you with healthy distractions, potentially with their own benefit on your anxiety. But always remember - these tools will not “cure” or always provide immediate relief. These are simply considered some of the most useful methods of helping your brain regain its natural balance and improve its ability to deal with anxiety producing situations.
- 慢跑或跑步所有运动都很有价值,但有氧运动等慢跑或跑步的活动产生了一种特别有效的神经递质,支持积极情绪。它还造成肌肉,可以帮助减少焦虑症状的严重程度。Cardio还减少了身体中应激激素,皮质醇的存在。最后,有氧运动可以为思想带来你的思想来提供分心。
- YogaSimilarly, many people find relief from anxiety by engaging in yoga. Yoga provides similar exercise benefits, and has a spiritual effect that many find valuable. Beyond that, yoga involves a great deal of self-control, and that self-control appears to be beneficial for those that need to distract their mind from their anxieties.
- 艺术People say that art is useful for anxiety because it allows you to express yourself. It's likely more than that though, especially since many people don't really feel that they know how to be artists. The more likely reason art is beneficial is that it takes a great deal of focus and control. In order to do art you're ignoring at least some of the thoughts that may exacerbate your anxiety. In addition, art provides the sense of accomplishment, and in some cases feeling accomplished can improve mood. This makes it doubly valuable as a coping strategy.
- Puzzles and Mental Challenges要了解的关键是,当你有焦虑时,你的思绪往往是你的敌人。让您的思想以消极的方式漂移得太容易了。这就是谜题和其他精神挑战进来的地方。有些人甚至在焦虑时做数学。这些类型的活动是精神上分散注意力的,当你从事拼图时,你会发现完全专注于你的焦虑和消极思维更难。
- Happy Music音乐是一种令人难以置信的情绪化工具,很多人都意识到音乐如何用于应对。但这不仅仅是任何音乐 - 它应该是真正让你心情愉快和乐观的音乐。许多人喜欢在悲伤时听悲伤的歌曲,但研究表明,这种行为不会改善情绪。理想情况下,您应该倾听代表情绪的乐观和快乐的歌曲想感觉。
These are just a few tools that can be used to manage anxiety These activities help distract you to the point where your brain is less focused on negative thinking and anxiety. This allows your brain time to re-learn the skills necessary to avoid falling into negative thinking traps in the future. Feel free to come up with your own ideas of distraction activities you can engage in. If you enjoy skipping rocks, for example, then to go the park or beach and start skipping rocks.
只要选择的活动不会引起安溪ety and the enjoyment isn't simply due to masking your anxiety (for example, many people talk about ‘retail therapy’ and while shopping may provide temporary highs these people are using objects to dull the pain, rather than engaging in an activity that allows them to overcome the pain of anxiety), then it is a good strategy that may be a powerful way to start overcoming anxiety.
Another important component of managing anxiety is to learn to face your anxiety triggers and not fear the anxiety itself. The mind is remarkably adaptive. Studies have shown that placing a person in direct contact with a fearful stimulus causes them to adapt and get used to that stimulus over time.
- Forcing Fearful Thoughts那些经常得到恐惧诱导思想的人可以考虑每天在延长时间的目的上,直到这些想法造成较小的痛苦。例如,那些有痴迷的人可以弄清楚他们的痴迷是什么,然后在宗旨下公开考虑它们,直到它们变得更少压力。如果您学习如何经常,这些类型的行为可以随着时间的推移消除焦虑。
- 焦虑触发You can also get used to various anxiety triggers. If you have panic attacks and you often find that you get a panic attack when you feel dizzy, you can spin around in a chair and get used to dizziness. If you have panic attacks in the mall, you can go to the mall often until you stop fearing the mall. All of these can trigger attacks, but over time if you allow yourself to experience those attacks you may find that you feel better.
- 脱敏情绪另一种选择是简单地习惯了情感。考虑一个害怕在社交上令人尴尬的人。这个人可以考虑在公共场合穿着令人尴尬的装备,并在尴尬之前做一些令人尴尬的事情并不像问题那么多。这是有很大的承诺和工作,但如果你可以习惯你害怕的情绪(尴尬,在这种情况下),你可能会降低你整体的恐惧。
Finally, to successfully manage your anxiety you're going to also need to learn how to change your thoughts and think positively. This can be extremely tough for people, which is why many people choose to enlist the help of a cognitive behavioral therapist. However, there are ways to change your thoughts without seeing a professional. Consider the following techniques:
- Challenge Negative Thoughts它首先挑战你的消极思想。焦虑往往会导致人们思考消极,当思想是消极的时,他们很容易确认。因此,当你有一种压力或焦虑的思想时,将具体的想法写在一张纸上。然后写出可能发生的所有更可能和积极的场景的列表。然后用一个原因列表,即使发生了坏事,也没关系。挑战的消极思想可以是一个有用的学习消除焦虑的练习。
- 积极的思维练习专家建议对整体积极思维建议有许多不同的练习。一个似乎非常有效并且比其他人更简单地是假装是一个积极的思想家。每天你去上班或与朋友共度时光,就像一个积极的人就会采取行动。你会发现如果你足够长,那么积极摩擦并开始自然。
- Fun and Distracting Activities您还需要确保您从事有趣和令人兴奋的活动,让您希望能够发生的事情,并为您提供回忆的内容。焦虑使您想要保持不活动,但如果您想最大限度地减少它,您需要对抗这种感觉并保持忙碌。从你开始的那一刻忙碌到你睡着的那一刻,与你喜欢的人一起睡着了,可以对焦虑产生强大的影响。