

Wendy M Yoder,Ph.D.

Panic attacks are notoriously difficult to cure without some type of outside help. That's because one of the most common problems with treating panic attacks is that the more you think about your panic attacks, the more likely you are to have them. It's the catch-22 of panic disorder.


About Curing Panic Attacks


While panic attacks can hit out of the blue, they are usually caused by an over-sensitivity to the way you feel, in a pattern that resembles this:

The oversensitivity is known as being hypersensitive, and it's a condition that is extremely common in those with anxiety and panic attacks.


This is one of the main reasons that panic attacks can be so hard to cure on their own. In many ways they cause themselves, and the more you think about them, fear them, and in some cases even try to treat them, the more likely you are to have them.



同样,在开始任何恐慌攻击治疗之前,您应该随时访问您的医生。manbetx体育官网恐慌发作的身体原因很少见,但除非你拜访manbetx体育官网医生,否则你将总是在你的脑海里唠叨感到恐慌的攻击代表别的东西 - 某种健康问题。看医生缓解了一些焦虑。但是被警告说,很多人仍然说服自己缺少一些东西,所以不要指望看到医生带走所有的焦虑。


The following are some effective home ways to treat panic attacks:



Numerous studies have shown that most panic attack symptoms come not from adrenaline, but from hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is when your body releases too much carbon dioxide. It usually occurs because you're breathing too quickly, but in some cases it can occur because you're breathing in too much oxygen.

Many people with panic attacks either breathe fast because they're in the middle of "panicking," or they try to take very deep breaths because they feel that they need to. What makes matters worse is that one of the symptoms of hyperventilation is feeling like you cannot get enough air. This causes you to naturally want to breathe more, and unfortunately this makes hyperventilation worse. Other symptoms of hyperventilation play a key role in panic attacks:

Anyone that has had a panic attack recognizes these symptoms, and that's why it's so important to control and prevent hyperventilation. You can do this in two ways:

When you have anxiety and panic attacks, your body can learn to breathe so poorly that you hyperventilate even without a panic attack. This causes panic attack-like symptoms, which can then trigger an actual panic attack. So teaching yourself how to breathe better is important.






Still, many people are genuinely able to control their panic attack triggers on their own using this type of system. If you're confident in your ability to commit to it, it may be worth a try.



行使has several benefits that are crucial for anxiety:

These are all very important strategies for anxiety control, and there is some evidence that one of the main causes of panic attacks and anxiety is a lack of exercise, indicating this may be more important than some people are willing to give it credit for. Ask yourself if you exercise daily. If you don't, strongly consider it.

Other Notes for Treating Panic Attacks At Home

The strategies above are only the beginning. You'll also need to make many life changes that promote panic attack free living.

一个例子是如何适应生活在恐慌manbetx体育官网disorder. Remember, fear of panic attacks increases the severity of panic attacks, which means that sometimes the best way to treat them is to face your fear and let yourself have an attack. If you find that you get panic attacks when you to go the mall, for example, then you need to make sure that you continue to go to the mall so that your panic attacks don't control your emotions.

You'll also need to try to reduce stress around you. You'll need to spend more time with friends and family doing fun activities so that you aren't as focused on the present, and you'll need to learn how to distract yourself when you feel a panic attack coming on (distractions take you out of your own head and should decrease the severity of the attack). These are all important parts of treatment.



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